Link QuickBooks And Opencart

QuickBooks Integration | Sync QuickBooks And Opencart | Connect QuickBooks To Opencart

OpenCart is a user-friendly, comprehensible shopping cart which is free to own, upgrade, and use and an ideal eCommerce solution for business. In this software, there are many professionally written extensions that are available to customize the store, as per your needs and requirements. It is based on PHP and follows a core-extensions model. It is a reasonably light platform which requires add-ons to perform higher level functions. This software platform has a diverse community of developers who regularly adds to an already big pool of 13, 000 extensions.

Integration of QuickBooks and Opencart

Opencart QuickBooks Connector will help users to successfully sync their Opencart Store – Customer, Product, and Order details with the QuickBooks. It implies that when a new user gets registered, a new product is added or an order is placed by customers, all the data gets automatically synchronized with your QuickBooks account. The admin helps in importing products/customers from QuickBooks to the Opencart Store. Whenever editing of customer/product information is done in Opencart, it automatically gets auto-updated in QuickBooks. For effective integration of QuickBooks Desktop with Opencart, users are supposed to check out OpenCart QuickBooks Desktop Connector module.

1. It is important to get the QuickBooks keys and for this, users should go to and then click on the Sign In option on the top right hand side. It will bring up the Sign In page.

2. On the Sign In page, users should try to create a new account by clicking “Create and Account”.  

3. On the registration page, users should enter the details required for registration and then click the “Create Account” option.

4. After clicking on the “Create Account” option, a user account will be created on QuickBooks.

5. It will pop up a page which will option to “Create an App”.

6. On clicking on “Create an App”, the user is required to select the platform for further development. Users are advised to select QuickBooks Online and Payments.

7. In this way, app developers will get a screen which will have app name and scope for API. Both the scope are to be selected and then click on “Create App”.

8. After successfully creating the app, users should go to Keys & OAuth where client id and client secret key will be visible.

9. In QuickBooks Company Settings, users will navigate to Settings and then select Company Settings option.

10. Now, click on the Sale and then edit – the Sales from the content section.

11. Thereafter, do check the shipping check-box and then click the Save button.  

12. In Inuit Developers page, do go to the Setting menu option and then click the app name to rename your app.

13. Thereafter, click the Save button to save the configuration.

14. Now, users should go to the “Keys” menu option, to find your – OAuth Consumer key, and OAuth Consumer Secret.

15. Now, copy these keys to the module configuration part in the admin panel.

16. For getting the rest of keys- Access Token, Access Token Secret, and RealmId, users will have two options to choose from- Click the Connect to QuickBooks button at the bottom end of the module configuration page and click the ‘key‘ option after which users will be redirected to another page.

17.  Thereafter, enter the already generated keys from the above steps and then enter the Access Token Duration, to set the minimum second, before it expires.

18. Finally, click the option- Connect to QuickBooks, to have successful integration.